Colloquia & Special Lectures

Every academic year, Colloquia is held on Mondays at 3:00 PM in Duncan Hall 1064 between the First and Last Days of Classes in each semester.  Any talks outside this time and day will be scheduled as a Special Lecture. 


Fall 2024

August 26 - Departmental Organizational Meeting

September 2 - Labor Day -- No Classes

September 9 - Hongkai Zhao
"Mathematical and numerical understanding of neural networks: from representation to learning dynamics"
Host: Anderson

September 11 - Richard Tapia -- Special Lecture
"THE ART OF GIVING GREAT TALKS with a Focus on STEM Colloquia"
Co-sponsors: Tapia Center, Ken Kennedy Institute, CMOR, STAT and CS Departments.

September 16 

September 20 - Josef Sifuentes -- Special lecture
"GMRES Convergence and Spectral Properties for Preconditioned KKT Matrices with Extensions to Generalized Block Matrices"
Host: Tapia

September 23 - 

September 30 - John Birge
"Uses of Sub-sample Estimates to Reduce Errors in Stochastic Optimization Models"
Host: Perez-Salazar

October 7 - Houman Owhadi
"Co-discovering graphical structure and functional relationships within data: A Gaussian Process framework for connecting the dots."
Host: Heinkenschloss

October 10 - Donsub Rim -- CMOR RTG NASC Special Lecture
"A Low Rank Neural Representation of Nonlinear Shocks Waves"
Host: Chan, Heinkenschloss, Riviere

October 14 - Midterm Recess -- No Classes

October 21 - Lynn Schreyer -- Shell Lecture
Compartment Models with Memory"
Host: Riviere

October 28 - Ilse Ipsen
"An Introduction to Randomized Matrix Computations"
Host: Anderson

November 4 - Simge Kucukyavuz
"Convex Mixed-Integer Optimization for Causal Discovery"
Host: Schaefer

November 11 - Elizabeth Qian
"Multifidelity linear regression for scientific machine learning from scarce data"
Host: Chan

November 18 - Anne Gelb
"Image recovery for linear inverse problems from multiple measurements: from point estimates to uncertainty quantification"
Host: Zhang

November 25 - Nicolas Loizou
"Recent Advances in Min-max Optimization: Convergence Guarantees and Practical Performance"
Host: Ma

December 2 - Benjamin Zhang
"A mean-field games laboratory for analysis and innovation in generative modeling"
Host:  Hicks

December 5 - Tingwei Meng
"AI-Driven Methods for Scientific Computing: Bridging Optimal Control and Modern AI Techniques"
Host:  Hicks

December 12 - Yifan Chen
"Analysis and design of high dimensional sampling for scientific computing"
Host:  Hicks

December 16 - Shanyin Tong
"A policy iteration method for inverse mean field games"
Host:  Hicks

Spring 2025


January 13 -  

January 20 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day -- No Classes

January 27 - Jingwei Hu
"Structure-Preserving Particle Method for Collisional Plasmas"
Host: Zhang

February 3 - Cesar Uribe
"On Graphs with Finite-Time Consensus"
Host: Riviere

February 10 - Qin Li
"Accelerating Optimization Over Probability Measure Space"
Host: Anderson

February 17 - Jim Luedtke
"Generator Expansion to Improve Power Grid Resiliency and Efficiency: A Case Study in Optimization Under Rare, High-Impact Uncertain Events"
Host: Schaefer

February 24 - Jamol Pender
"Epidemics in Queues"
Host: Pang/Hicks

March 3 - Eddie Castillo
"Bridging the Gap: Interpretable Deep Learning Models for Pulmonary Ventilation Imaging"
Host: Tapia

March 10 - David Huckleberry Gutman
"Modern Methods for Riemannian Optimization"
Host: Ma

March 11 - Boris Andrews --Special Lecture
"Conservative (and accurately dissipative) numerical integrators via auxiliary variables"
Host: Chan

March 17 - Spring Break -- No Classes

March 24 - Wesley Marrero
"Data-Driven Decision Making in Healthcare Applications: From opioid use disorder and organ transplantation to mental health and cardiovascular disease"
Host: Hicks

March 31 - Deanna Needell
"Fairness and Foundations in Machine Learning"
Host: Riviere

April 7 - Liliana Borcea -- Putcha Lecture
"Data driven reduced order modeling for first order hyperbolic systems with application to waveform inversion"
Host: Anderson

April 14 - Archis Ghate
"Inverse MDPs"
Host: Perez-Salazar

April 21 - Xin Guo
Host: Pang